Suzanne Bagwell

Suzanne Bagwell is the owner of Petals Inc. Suzanne has lived here her entire life and has been always loved music and flowers. We asked Suzanne about her life here and some questions about herself.


Q: Since you are a teacher and lover of music, who are your favorite music artists?

A: “Bing Crosby, Blake Shelton, and John Driskell Hopkins are great, but Maroon 5 is my all-time favorite artist because their music was a constant during a difficult time in my life.



Q: What is your favorite month of year?

A: “It has to be December because of Christmas. Our community has a lot of traditions and one of my favorites is Christmas on Main Street.” She also stated that her favorite dance show was The Nutcracker.


Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met while living here?

A: “Stephanie Maxwell, she always gives 100% of herself. Everyone here should meet her.”


Q: What is your favorite social outing in in your community?

A: “I’m a homebody. I love being at home.”


Q: What is one of the most satisfying times in your life?

A: “I went on a mission trip to Bolivia and was able to teach music. My time in Bolivia was one of the most satisfying times I have ever experienced, because it helped me find purpose and I was able to create so many relationships.”


Q: What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?

A: “I saw David Bowie’s Labyrinth at a drive-in theater.”


Q: If you could give a piece of advice to a crowd of people, what would you say?

A: “Get out of your comfort zone. Nothing great ever comes from living in your comfort zone.”


Q: What is your favorite thing about your community?

A: “It’s a really close community and so family oriented.”

Debbie Fosterwould love your Faces nominations.

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